The Dean of Students Office will send faculty notifications for students that have missed classes due to a medical situation, hospitalization, mental health crisis, dependent medical emergency, medical or legal appointments that cannot be changed, or death in their immediate family (dependents). Students need to provide official documentation to the Dean of Students Office, with student’s name (or family member’s name), documented dates, and return dates. Once our office receives the documentation, we then send email notification out to all faculty, and the student to consider working with the student to complete any missing work or consider an incomplete as able. We alert the students that the faculty determines the ability for any class flexibility.
These notifications are not “excuses”, only notification of documented absence.
We only notify for up to two weeks’ worth of absences. After that, students are advised to speak to their academic advisor or Student Accessibility Services (if it is an ongoing medical concern) on how best to complete the semester successfully.
Faculty notifications will not be processed once the semester ends and grading has begun. Beyond the date please communicate directly with your faculty.
Request a faculty notification here:
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