Take Back the Night at Buffalo State: SAVE THE DATE! April 17, 2024
Take Back the Night is an international event and non-profit organization with the mission of ending sexual, relationship, and domestic violence in all forms. Take Back the night is held annually in April. Hundreds of events are held in over 30 countries annually. Events often include marches, rallies and vigils intended as a protest and direct action against sexual violence and relationship and domestic violence. Buffalo State has been hosting a Take Back the Night Event for over a decade.
Take Back the Night is open to everyone and we invite you to wear teal in support of Sexual Violence Prevention. We are looking for volunteers, performers, or survivors who would like to share their stories for this impactful event.
BSU Consent Convos Workshops
Any student organization registered and/or recognized is required to attend one of the sessions listed above. Please email walczycr@buffalostate.edu for more details.
Public Awareness and Advocacy Events
If an individual discloses information through a public awareness event such as candlelight vigils, protests, or other public event, the institution is not obligated to begin an investigation based on such information. The institution may use the information provided at such an event to inform its efforts for additional education and prevention efforts.
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