Responding to Students of Concern
Buffalo State College is committed to supporting the wellbeing of our students, both in and outside of the classroom. To that end, the CARE team is a resource available to our community to support students who may be struggling with mental or behavioral health concerns, homelessness, food insecurity, physical health concerns, or any situation that may interfere with a students’ academic success or overall wellness.
Faculty and staff are often the first to identify that a student is struggling and are in a unique position to provide support due to their established relationship. Therefore, it may be helpful to understand how to assist students of concern in addition to referring to the CARE team.
Remember, if you have questions or concerns about Sexual Violence Prevention or Title IX please go HERE for more information.
The Dean of Students Office will send faculty notifications for students that have missed classes due to a medical situation, hospitalization, mental health crisis, dependent medical emergency, medical or legal appointments that cannot be changed, or death in their immediate family (dependents). Students need to provide official documentation to the Dean of Students Office, with student’s name (or family member’s name), documented dates, and return dates. Once our office receives the documentation, we then send email notification out to all faculty, and the student to consider working with the student to complete any missing work or consider an incomplete as able. We alert the students that the faculty determines the ability for any class flexibility.
These notifications are not “excuses”, only notification of documented absence.
We only notify for up to two weeks’ worth of absences. After that, students are advised to speak to their academic advisor or Student Accessibility Services (if it is an ongoing medical concern) on how best to complete the semester successfully.
Request a faculty notification here:
I wanted to check in with you to see how you were doing and if there is anything we can do to help support you. I also wanted to provide some information about resources we have here on campus that may be of assistance:
For emotional/mental health support, there are counselors are available at the Counseling Center for appointments Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm; if you would like to speak to a counselor or schedule an initial appointment, you can do so by calling (716) 878-4436. You can find more information at:
For academic support/tutoring, there are several resources available through the Academic Success department
For assistance with other issues, such as health and safety, sexual violence, food insecurity, the Emergency Relief funding program, interfaith resources, LGBTQIA+ resources, and veteran and military aligned student support, you can find information at the Dean of Students website:
NOTE: The following resources are also available to you in case of an emergency 24 hours a day:
Crisis Services (716) 834-3131
University Police (716) 878-6333
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or by texting “HELP” to 741741
Central Referral Services Inc. 211 or 1-888-696-9211 -
Remember we are here to support and assist you in any way we can, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Best wishes and hope to hear from you,
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